Welcome to Wildly Hopeful! My name is Kimberly, and I write about my journey from grief to joy as I move forward from losing my husband and finding new love in a crazy short amount of time.
My name is Kimberly, and I am “Wildly Hopeful.” By day, I’m a higher education professional, by night I’m a beekeeper, and in between I’m an aspiring writer. Five years ago, my world completely changed when I lost my first husband, Michael, so I started this site to process and archive my grief journey from mourning to joy. Inspired by Sheryl Sandberg’s book Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy, I wanted to write about lessons learned from my own experience.
I believe language shapes our reality, and I'm purposeful in the way that I think of myself. I'm widowed, not a widow. Being "widowed" is an unfortunate event that happens to you, and a "widow" is something that you are - an identity. In the same vein, I prefer to say that I'm moving forward instead of moving on. I’m called to encourage others, and that’s what I want to build here - a place where my personal experience can help others with their own loss.
If it’s your first time here, check out these blog posts for a good introduction to my blog:
Invisible Thread
The Second Half
Grief Mixed Tape
Email: Wildlyhopefulme@gmail.com