Welcome to Wildly Hopeful! My name is Kimberly, and I write about my journey from grief to joy as I move forward from losing my husband and finding new love in a crazy short amount of time.
My name is Kimberly, and I am a full-time optimist, part-time realist. I have a Bachelor's in English from Valdosta State University and a Master's in Public Administration from Georgia College and State University. I currently work in higher education as a leader in academic advising; and while I love my career, I also have bigger dreams. I'm called to encourage people; and I'm fortunate my career allows me to do that, but I also want to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves.
Losing my husband in June 2018 is only part of my story; and I'm still working through my grief, but I have been surrounded by so much love and support. I've been called brave and strong by those who have been beside me through the ordeal, but I think I'm more resilient and hopeful than anything else.
I believe language shapes our reality, and I'm purposeful in the way that I think of myself. I prefer to say I'm widowed instead of referring to myself as a widow. Being "widowed" is an unfortunate event that happens to you, and a "widow" is something that you are. In the same vein, I prefer to say that I'm moving forward instead of moving on. I will probably never move on from this loss, but I am moving forward.