

Welcome to Wildly Hopeful! My name is Kimberly, and I write about my journey from grief to joy as I move forward from losing my husband and finding new love in a crazy short amount of time.

Where I Left Off

Where I Left Off

Years ago before my 30th birthday, I wrote a “30 before 30” list and started a blog ( about my journey to reach those goals. Spoiler Alert: I did not finish the list, so I just kept the list rolling from year to year. I’d add to it, edit it, but I stopped blogging about it after watching 11 of 30 Academy Award Best Picture films, reading 14 of 30 books, and cooking up 13 of 30 recipes along with many other goals I didn’t meet before my 30th birthday.

I’ve been struggling to come up with what to post in this blog. I wrote a lot while I processed losing Mike, but a lot of it didn’t get posted for one reason or another. I’m at a place where my grief doesn’t take center stage in my life like it once did even though I still miss Mike and my mom.

When there’s a fitting time, I may post some of the grief-heavy posts, but for now, I think I’ll start finishing up my 30 before 30 project with an updated list. I added things to the list that I already crossed off like performing at Carnegie Hall and going to a Broadway show. I do this with my daily to do lists because it helps me see what I did that day. Besides I get to decide what goes on the list. I crossed off applying for a PhD program because I did apply, but I didn’t get into the program. Earning a PhD is no longer one of my dreams, which is a story for another post.

I’m also not starting from scratch on reading books, watching Best Picture films, or trying out recipes. I’m going to start where I left off. This is my to do list, and I’ll credit myself as I see fit. Basically, I’m giving myself some grace and grading myself on a curve. With a little more structure and more of a purpose, I hope to get more writing in. I’m horribly out of practice. There is more to come, which I know I write a lot, but it’s coming for real this time.


Three Years Together

Three Years Together

Grief Mix Tape

Grief Mix Tape